真正薰衣草 Lavender
拉丁學名|Lavandula angustifolia
原料規格|500g-25kg 詳情請洽業務
真正薰衣草又被稱作「真實薰衣草」或高地薰衣草。每年 5 月開花,平均生長海拔約 800 公尺以上。耐旱,開紫色花穗。名稱則是由拉丁文「Lavare」演變而來,代表「洗滌」之意。古羅馬時代,人們以薰衣草沐浴,相信能潔淨靈魂與身體。
目前發現的薰衣草品種逾 20 種,且有超過上百種的雜交品項,但是在芳療應用中,最通用的仍是真正薰衣草精油。其豐富的酯類結構相當溫和,安全性高,適用於各個年齡層,真正薰衣草都能溫柔地給上一臂之力。
比較項目 | 真正薰衣草 | 醒目薰衣草 | 穗花薰衣草 |
拉丁學名 | Lavandula angustifolia | Lavandula hybrida | Lavandula latifolia |
精油氣味 | 溫和舒服 | 較為強烈刺激 | 氣味略顯粗糙 |
使用安全 | 嬰幼兒、孕婦可用 | 癲癇者、孕婦不適 | 具刺激性 |
精油價格 | 價格較高 | 產量大、價格親民 | 價格較低 |

▸ 顯示真正薰衣草對於舒緩情緒的效果(Ludvigson and Rottmann 1989;Diego et al.1998,Moss et al.2003;Lehrner et al. 2005)。
如: Lehrner et al. 2005,Ambient Odors of Orange and Lavender Reduce Anxiety and Improve Mood in a Dental Office,再次證實,真正薰衣草可以幫助舒緩心理狀態的情緒。

▸ D Giovannini,等人,以薰衣草精油在巨噬細胞對於金黃色葡萄球菌的介導反應中有相關研究。
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- J Lehrner et al. Ambient Odors of Orange and Lavender Reduce Anxiety and Improve Mood in a Dental Office. Physiol Behav 2005 Sep 15;86(1-2):92-5.
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- D Giovannini, A Gismondi, A Basso. Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Essential Oil Exerts Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Macrophage Mediated Immune Response to Staphylococcus aureus . A Journal of Molecular and Cellular Immunology.Volume 5.V2016, 2016, 2016
- L Ma .The complete chloroplast genome sequence of the fragrant plant Lavandula angustifolia (Lamiaceae) .Resources Volume 3, 2018
- Michalina Adaszynska-Skwirzynska , Danuta Szczerbinska . The effect of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil as a drinking water supplement on the production performance, blood biochemical 138, Scippl 859 365
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- Phytochemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Moroccan Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, Volume 20, 2017
- Masoud Soheili, Farzaneh Khalaji, The Effect of Essential Oil of Lavandula Angustifolia on Amyloid Beta Polymerization: An In Vitro Study.nternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2017; 07(07): 103-107.
- Enikő Détár et al. Effects of variety and growth year on the essential oil properties of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) and lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel.) Biochemical System and Ec.
- Lucia Caputo et al. Lavandula angustifolia essential oil and linalool counteract social aversion induced by social defeat. Molecules. 2018 Oct 19;23(10):2694
- The Effect of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Extract in Comparison to Antibiotic on Growth Performance, Intestinal Morphology, Ileal Microflora, Antioxidant Status and Meat Quality of Broilers. Journal of Applied Animal Research 9(4):717ember 5
- Comparison of Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils Obtained from Different Cultivars and Morphological Parts of Lavandula angustifolia. Journal of essential oil-bearing plants JEOP 21(6):1532-15 1532-1541 1820201 1202011532-1541.